University of British Columbia
Department of Mathematics

Calculus III - MATH 200 section 104 - 2012W1


Ori Gurel-Gurevich.

Time and Place

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 1-2pm at BUCH A104.

Office Hours

Wednesdays after class (2-2:50pm), or by appointment, at Earth Science Building room 4116. Feel free to send me emails with questions about the material.

If you need help, visit the Math Learning Centre Drop In.

Course Outline and Suggested Problems

Course outline, textbook information and suggested homework problems are to be found in the Math 200 common page.

For a list of suggested homework problems for the previous edition textbook (i.e. 6-th edition), see here.

Final Exam

The final exam has not been scheduled yet.


There will be 4 midterms, 50 minutes long, during regular class times (but at a different location!) at the following dates:

The term mark will consist of the best 3 out of these 4 midterm marks. The calculation will be done after rescaling each midterm. There will be no make up midterms. The scope of each midterm includes everything studied until that point, but there will be emphasis on recent material.

No books, notes, calculators, other human beings or similar aids will be allowed in any of the exams.

Anonymous feedback

I'd appreciate feedback very much, both positive and negative. Since some people might be concerned about giving negative feedback, I have created a gmail account for that purpose. The username is oriSPAMgurelSPAMfeedback without the SPAM and the password is mathSPAM200SPAMfeedback without the SPAM. Feel free to use it, but remember that if you don't want other people using this account to see your feedback, you have to delete it from the sent items folder.
